No Service Today Feb 16th due to weather
As a Community of Faith in Christ, we Live in Grace and Share the Gospel of Salvation.
Services every Sunday at 10:00 am in person and on Facebook live
We have started in person services but also provide the service on facebook live. If you have been vacinated you do not have to wear a mask . We still have socially diatance seating.
Please join us in person or on Facebook live for our service. Just click on the Facebook app under this message and it will lead you to our Facebook page.
You do not need to have a Facebook page to join us. Just click on the link below, keep clicking on the the video and close any boxes that pop up.
Food Pantry Schedule
6142 State Route 31
Cicero NY 13039
Phone 315 - 699 5224
Email -
All Are Welcome to Join Us
Sunday Service 10:00am
Sunday School 9:00am- September - May
Mission Statement:
As a community of faith in Christ, we live in grace and share the gospel of salvation.
Guiding Principles:
W Jesus is Lord.
W We are a community of faith.
W We invite all people to share in God’s grace.
W We pray first.
W We act on the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
W We give generously of ourselves as God has given to us.
Who we are: